A head for details
A DREAM DREAMT ON MAY 2, 2020 – The Bible needs corrections and my family is called in to help. I wake for a moment but then return to a smilier dream thread. It happens that here is a television and online ad campaign which is selling relics of John the Baptist, including his mummified head. Everyone knows he had only one head so what gives? I pull together a team to dig for the truth and correct the ad copy although I am not sure who has authorized my involvement. It seems that the head, other body parts, scraps of clothing and organs for sale, are merely plastic replicas of known relics and roughly 1/5 scale, although their scale, in relationship to one another is not carefully represented. The head is the feature item, five inches in length, while and entire forearm is about the same length. The items were painted realistically, with attention given to represent dried, mummified flesh, aged fabrics, glinting gold and crystal adornments, all in appropriate colors and finishes as to make them look quite real, if a little bright. Your reliquary is delivered to you in a cardboard box with a polychromed lithographed image of the items inside, set out on a table top. Just like you might display mummified body parts, proudly at home, once you purchase them. The design of the packaging is much like that of a 1960’s model car kit, graphics vivid and lively indeed. I determine the value of the set to be to be excellent at $29.99 and the reproductions both realistic and well made. Greater attention however, needs to be given in the advertising and marketing of these relics, in order to clarify that one is buying reproductions of and not original, John the Baptist body parts. We do not want disappointed collectors of saintly body parts.